Lacanche Owners
Discover the stories of some of our Lacanche owners!
Bri & Anguel
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Christine & Steve
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Brandis & Ryan
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Mona & Neil
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Pat & David
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Michael & Scott
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Tiffany & Tyler
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Denise & Adrien
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40" Lacanche Cluny
"Christine and I are thrilled with our Lacanche Cluny stove from the French Barn. It's the heart of our farmhouse kitchen, stunning, user-friendly, and elevates cooking into an experience. The French Barn's exceptional customer service, from purchase to installation, was exemplary. I highly recommend the Lacanche and the French Barn for a unique, high-performing addition to any kitchen. "
Christine & Steve, ON.
60" Lacanche Citeaux
"For years my husband and I dreamed of our forever home; a place where all the items we loved would live, where memories would stay and roots would be planted. The majority of our lives have been spent moving, always following opportunity and adventure. When we decided to finally “stay put” and buy our dream house out came our wish list, with moving a lot comes a great big wish list! We wanted it to be a piece of everywhere we lived, we wanted a house that felt like all the places we loved the most and left bits of our hearts. The kitchen was and is our biggest focus; we love food and everything that comes with being a foodie. We cook 90% of our meals from scratch, so having a space that works with us is always a great importance.
In England we were fortunate enough to cook on a great big cast iron stove, a great work horse of the house but not practical as it was installed in 1930!. So we knew coming into our new kitchen, having another stove workhorse was the top of the list. In fact the whole of the kitchen was to be based on it. We fell in love with Lacanche as soon as we laid our eyes on it! This, this was it! The dream stove! A lovely beast who would not only be a helping hand in the kitchen, but would embody everything we love about food.
Even though we’re not French, how we approach food is truly French and the foundation of everything we cook. Food for us is not only what we put into our bodies, it's how we nourish our lives. It’s how friends and families gather, it’s what pulls people together and the importance of food and making it with your hands is what we’re teaching our children.
It seems strange to put all that on a stove, however that’s how the stove was made. It was made with the idea that you’ll be cooking, a lot. You may need something to slow cook all day and your warming cupboard will be waiting. You may need bread to cook while the rest of the meal is tended to, the convection oven is ready. You may have big pots and little pots and everything in between needing to come together for a big Christmas dinner, your cast iron burner will gladly help.
We were so very fortunate to meet Justin at the French Barn, he was the biggest key in making this dream come true. I still laugh when he said ‘oh you’re going to cook on it?!’ of course we were! With this our blue beauty came into our lives. She sits proudly front and center in our kitchen, waiting for her next task. Everyone takes these beautiful staged pictures of their ranges. Sitting there, looking like a dream. She is a dream, but she works hard for us and I wouldn’t showcase her any other way then the way she always looks in our home. My husband and I (okay, mostly me) have dreams of living in the French country side, drinking a good bottle of red and eating fragrant chevre on a crusty baguette. For now, we have a little piece of France in our house, and our Blue Beauty is like living a bit of that dream each day. "
Tiffany & David, ON.
40" Lacanche Chagny
"We loved the traditional plate in the center as it allowed us to do ‘perfectly simmered’ sauces without burning. We switched to the large burner for our new range as we found the traditional plate took a very long time to cool down and we have small children. We will go back to the traditional plate in five years or so once our children are a little bit older. Our range is my favourite ‘art piece’ in our home and we love to cook roast chicken in the gas oven in a LeCreuset cast iron pot and we love to cook sugar cookies in the electric oven. I will always have a Lacanche range in any home we move to as the quality surpasses any other range we have ever used. We have had exceptional service from The French Barn."
Rachelle Starnes, AB.
44" Lacanche Saulieu
"We are both serious cooks. And we just love our new Saulieu."
Neil & Mona Robertson, BC
Lacanche is a charming village nestled deep in the heart of Burgundy, less than 20 minutes away from world-famous wineries, that has evolved around the factory that is still its heart and soul today.
The original foundry was established at the end of the 18th century by Richard de Curtil to exploit his iron ore-rich land and produce the first hand-built cookers and wood burning stoves bearing the village name, under the supervision of Jacques-Etienne Caumartin, who eventually took over in 1896.
The factory remained with the Coste-Caumartin family until 1972, when the Valeo Company took over. In 1981, Valeo withdrew from Lacanche, leaving the 228 factory workers without an employer.
At this time, one former employee, André Augagneur, decided to launch an industrial project to save the site and 40 jobs. Starting with commercial units, the production soon moved towards high-end, stunning pro-style ranges for residential use. This marked the beginning of a new successful period for Lacanche, now recognized around the world for the beauty, quality and performance of their ranges.
Today his son Jean-Jacques is the General Manager of a factory that is still at the same location it was 200 years ago and employs 200 workers from the village and the area. While machines have replaced men for a few of the more tedious tasks like the cutting and bending of the solid stainless steel tops, each Lacanche range is still carefully assembled by hand, and the passion for tradition and excellence has remained intact.
Of all the steps required to craft a Lacanche range, enamelling is the only one that is not carried out in Lacanche. Finished panels and oven interiors are produced in Strasbourg, France, in a specialized plant and shipped to the factory. With 24 colors available, and the ability to create almost any custom color of your choice, the possibilities are endless and workers always busy!
Each range is carefully crafted by one individual worker and tested before it leaves the factory. This guarantees that all ranges receive the same undivided level of attention and can be customized to your personal preference. Choose your color, finishes, hob layout and oven configuration and your very own range will be built to your exact specifications.
Lacanche is also one of only a handful of companies in France certified to test their own gas ranges, a fact that we are very proud of!
When complete, each Lacanche range is a testament to the tradition, spirit and intimacy started by the original founder. As a Lacanche owner, we are proud to welcome you in our family!
The connection between Patrick, owner of The French Barn, and Lacanche dates back from a long, long time ago... His family has lived in the village for generations. In the early 1920's his great-grandfather, Camille, was a worker at the Coste foundry that would later become the Lacanche factory as we know it today. Later on, his grandfather Louis also joined the factory and was in charge of the enamel-coating process.
In the late 1960's, his father Jean-Claude started his career in accounting in Lacanche. For a short time, three generations of Patrick's family worked at the factory at the same time, along with many cousins, uncles and friends. Patrick grew up minutes away from the factory, and his childhood was filled with stories about the "good old days" that he would be happy to share with you! Today, much of Patrick's family still works at the factory in Lacanche designing and building ranges, along with many of his friends and old football mates.
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